मंगलवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2011

Panchamukhi : Five segments

I. Youth :
“My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation. Out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem like lions" This was the conviction Swami Vivekananda had. Today Bharat is the only country, with 55% of its population in the prime of their youth. Age old Bharat is ever young!!
During the celebrations Vivekananda Yuva Mandali,  Ingnited Youth forum , Vivekananda Clubs will be started by student and non student youth below the age of 40 years.
They will organise programmes to promote Sewa (service), Atmavikas (physical and mental development), Adhyayan (study), Suraksha (security) & Samrasata (social harmony).
Samuhik Suryanamaskars in all cities and national level Essay competition will be organised in 2013

II. Social & Intellectual Leaders :
Swami Vivekananda said, “They alone live who live for others; the rest are more dead than alive.”
The elites and the intellectuals have a great responsibility in Nation-building. To these thought leaders and opinion builders from all walks of life following programmes will be organized.
1.  'Vimarsh' Lecture series on topical issues.
2. Yoga Pratimans (Training Modules based on Yoga) for senior executives, government officers, para military / defence services, School managements, religious place managements, Leaders of NGOs & Jana Pratinidhi like MPs, MLAs, Panchayat Presidents.
3. Seminars – State, National and  International level seminars and conferences on various topics related to Swami Vivekananda, issues of Historical, Civilizational and cultural importance and also topics of contemporary  national and international relevance.
4. Involving Intellectuals to write articles in and give talk about Swami Vivekananda's man-making, character building message.

III. Gramayan – Towards villages:
"Let new India arise …….. Let her arise – out of the peasants' cottage, grasping plough; out of the huts of the fishermen,….. Let her spring from the grocer's shop, from beside the oven of the fritter-seller. Let her emerge from groves and forests, from hills and mountains." Swami Vivekananda extolled in his lectures from Colombo to Almora.
Village committees will be formed. They will organise programmes like
Bharat Mata Pujan, Katha Kirtan, Mela. Mera Gav Mera tirth
Long term projects to develop vivek gram/vivek basti -village free of untouchability, conversion, addiction, police/courts and dependence on chemical fertilizers.

IV. Women Participation:
Swami Vivekananda said, “Without Shakti (Power) there is no regeneration for the world. Why is it that our country is the weakest and the most backward of all countries?-- because Shakti is held in dishonour here. .....Without the grace of Shakti nothing is to be accomplished. ”
In order to preserve, protect and promote our culture through women and to increase their participation, programmes will be organized in different strata of our society to promote –Sahbhag (participation), Sewa (service), Vikas (Development), Samskriti (Culture) & Samrasata (harmony)
1. Dampati Sammelan – Full day or half a day conferences for couples focusing on participation of women for social regeneration and for that contribution of men at home and in society.
2. Shakti Sammelan of women with
    a) Exhibitions : “Bharateeya womanhood” through the ages, “Valorous women of Bharat” & “Women of achievement” in various fields.
    b) Lectures and workshops on women participation.

V. Janjatis- The Tribals :
"The fate of a nation depends upon the condition of the masses. Can you raise them? Can you give them back their lost individuality without making them lose their innate spiritual nature?" Challenged Swami Vivekananda.
For the Tribals, their cultural and religious tradition is their identity. It is a bond that keeps the community together and in tune with nature. If these traditions are lost then the Janajati  community loses its identity, its' moral values and also the peace. They need to be supported to move ahead in time, to develop through the cultural traditions. Therefore programmes will be organized, with the motto “Development through Culture”  in the tribal areas to raise their level of self-confidence in themselves and in our culture and tradition.
Focus of the programs:
“Loss of Faith, Loss of Culture and Loss of Culture, Loss of Identity. ”
1. Conventions of Janajathi forums
2. Village headmens' meetings
3. Full support for Janjati festivals to strengthen  their indigenous faith.